The Story of Derek

How a mathematician became a designer

Not many people fell in love with math and art at the same time, but I happen to be one. It definitely was a tough decision for me to decide to become a scientist instead of an artist in 2012. Ever since then, I had always been thinking if the analytical and logical thinking of math can be applied into the creative field.

In 2016, I finally found my answer from the book — INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love. I was fascinated by the role of a product designer, because it is where art finally meets science. It is not just about creating beautiful things (UI), but also about solving challenging problems in a scientific way (UX). Without hesitation, I knew this is what I’d like to do for my lifetime.

My Bookshelf

By looking at someone’s bedroom, you learn so much about a person.

Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell

I believe the same principle applies to bookshelf, too.